Why is that small state bothering Palestine and other much less armed groups like hamas but is pleading the US to attack Iran? This would only spread into a much larger conflict if the US get involved. Plus, Bush said he preferred diplomacy than military conflict. Obama, of course, is less likely to attack Iran than Bush for the state of israel. Israel spends much of our media influence to scare Americans into believeing in a terror threat from islamic States to keep them in war mode. But no one percieves Iran as a threat BUT Israel. Israel must understand that America has nothing to gain from attacking Iran for Israel. Nothing but high casualties, oil prices and an even worse reputation.
Israel should sit down and talk with palestine and these nations and direct it's military at other militaries instead of apartment complexes, schools and hospitals. Who could possibly war for a nation like that that first off isn't even a territorial responsibility? Especially, with the amount of debt.
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