So you find the headline, provocative or sensational? Read on, to know what could be the epitome of Indiagiri! If you feel the same way OR even have a different perspective, do comment below with your views. The brilliant lawyer of Kasab –Abbas Kazmi has raised a technical issue over the genuineness of the copies of evidence submitted by the Public Prosecutor. Public Prosecutor, Ujjwal Nikam expressed this as a time buying/delaying tactic. He also mentioned that of the court agrees, this trial would require 4 years to conclude?? Wow! How do you now react to this? I mean OK, Afzal Guru the guy who was caught attacking the parliament is still under trial for the last 6 years, and so I do agree and accept that we are a nation with a poor judiciary system, but how does any Indian, any Mumbai take this so lightly. On the first day of the trial, Kasab was brought under tremendous security to the court. The judge on the appearance of the lawyer, mentioned that the lawyer cannot advocate for Kasab, due to some technical issue. Why wasnt this issue raised earlier, so that a high security movement of Kasab from the prison to the court could be avoided? Later on another day, the judge asked the police to validate whether Kasab is an adult? This ate up some more days of the trial. How would it be different? What would we do with Kasab, if he was a minor at age less than 18? Would we put him in a Child Remand Room?? What a country? Man! A guy has the balls to come from Pakistan to India by sea, creates ruckus and tension in the Financial Capital and across the country, kills men, women, children, elderly ruthlessly in the name of jihad, shakes the Central and State Government, gets caught by the police and is still surviving around 6 months from the trial. How does our system work??? Or am I exagerating, should my question be “Is there a system?” We read in the newspaper, that on the first day of the trial, young Kasab was smiling and giggling, and yes he demandd Pakistani Newspapers, Perfumes, Space to take walks etc. C’mon guys, there are clear pictures, CCTV videos of Kasab with the AK47 rifles strutting various crucial portions of South Mumbai, why do you need to put him on trial for close to 6 months, with no sensible conclusions and concrete judgements. This is a rude insult to the people who died and in this massacre. Its like you are raped on video, the culprit is caught and the intellectual law professionals leave the video aside and discuss his age, nationality and various issues. On a lighter note, I was thinking, if you know/remember, that in early2009, there was some old couple, from Central or North India, who had claimed that Kasab is their child. If is proven correct , I sincerely hope not but clearly anticipate –Kasab running for the MP elections in 2014 through a Samajwadi Party Ticket. Ajmalji Kasab ko hee vote kijiye. Hamara Chunav Chinha hai AK47! P.S. You will fall of from your seat laughing.
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shah abbas kazmi

Sunday, August 19, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Life of the Commander of the Faithful: Ali ibn Abu Talib
Name : Ali
Title : Al-Murtaza, Al-Amir-ul-Mo'mineen, Abu-Turab, Asadullah
Designation: 1st Imam
Kunyat : Abul Hasan
Born : Friday 13th of Rajab, in the Holy Ka'ba
Father : Abu Talib-ibne-Abdul Muttalib
Mother : Fatima bint-e-Asad
Died : at the age of 63 years, at Kufa, on Monday, the 21st Ramadan 40 AH, murdered by an assassin who mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the Mosque at Kufa during morning prayers on the 19th of Ramadan.
Buried : Najaf, near Kufa in Iraq
Imam Ali (as) First in many Fields
1. He was the only man to be born in the Kabah (The house of God)
2. He was the first to offer homage to the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF)
3. He was the first to offer prayers after the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF)
4. He was the first to offer his services for Jihad.
5. He was the first to receive religious instructions from the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF)
6. He was the first to compile and codify the Quran
7. He was the first to be styled as "brother" by the Prophet (PBUH and HF) and on every occasion
8. He was the first to give burial to the Prophet (PBUH and HF)
9. He was the first to offer to sleep in the Prophet's (PBUH and HF) bed on the night of his emigration to Medina
10. He was the first to be appointed commander in all those battles in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF) didnot participate personally
11. The honor of the propagation of the Quranic Sura, "al Bara'at" fell to Imam Ali's (as) lot
12. He was the only man to be titled as the "Second Aaron" by the Prophet (PBUH and HF)
13. The honor of owning a house which opened into the courtyard of the Prophet's (PBUH and HF) mosque was reserved for Imam Ali (as) alone
14. He was the first to have the honor of being nominated by the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF) as his succesor, testator and vice regent.
... and many many more