A sales and marketing manager must have the hard skills to create impactful strategies that increase revenue. They must also have the soft skills to train and manage employees and help them achieve departmental goals. The key to hiring someone with the necessary hard and soft skills is to write a compelling sales and marketing manager job description.
shah abbas kazmi

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
General Knowledge
Friday, October 26, 2012
The twelfth month of the Hijra calendar is Dhu Al Hijjah. This is one of the four sacred months, and is the month of the Hajj. The Hajj, or Pilgrimage, as it has become known in the West, is the time of year when Muslims from all over the world visit the Ka'ba in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The Ka'ba is the first House built for the worship of the one GOD, ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, the GOD of all mankind. It was erected by Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Isma'eel (Ishmael), alaihim assalaam. Ibrahim's, alaihis salaam, faith in the LORD is well documented in the Noble Qur'an. Ibrahim, alaihis salaam, is described as being a nation by himself, due to his great faith in ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Ibrahim, alaihis salaam, was instructed to take his wife Hajar, and son Isma'eel, alaihis salaam, to Makkah. At that time, Makkah was an unpopulated, barren desert. Ibrahim, alaihis salaam, obeyed the LORD's command and took his family to Makkah. As he left them there alone, sorrow overcame him. But he knew he was obeying the LORD's command, so he supplicated, asking the LORD to preserve his loved ones, to allow the desert to bloom and provide for them, and to have swarms of people come and visit them. The Hajj is part of the LORD's granting of Ibrahim's, alaihis salaam, supplication. For over 1400 years, Muslims from all over the world, visit Makkah every year, to perform the Hajj and visit the Ancient House of the LORD. The first ten days of this month are best and most most loved days of the year. Muslims spend these days performing additional prayers, reciting the Noble Qur'an, and offering supplications to the LORD. Many Muslims fast during these first nine days. Of course, those who have been blessed with it, are in Makkah, performing the Hajj. The ninth day of Dhu Al Hijjah is a very special day. It is the day of 'Arafa. On this day, Muslims performing Hajj gather at the mount of 'Arafat, in one of the most important parts of the Hajj. They pray, perform supplications and give thanks to ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, for all the blessings bestowed upon them. It is on this day that Adam and Eve, alaihim assalaam, met each other on earth for the first time, two hundred years after being expelled from Paradise. Muslims away from the Hajj, normally fast on this day. The tenth day of the month signifies the beginning of Eid-Ul-Aza, the holiday of Hajj. Those performing the Hajj, have returned from 'Arafa, and now proceed to slaughtering a lamb or other suitable animal, in commemoration of Ibrahim's, alaihis salaam, act of obedience to the LORD. In a divinely inspired dream, Ibrahim, alaihis salaam, saw that he was sacrificing his oldest son, Isma'eel, alaihis salaam, for the sake of ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala. When he revealed this to his son, his son asked him to do as he was commanded and that he would be patient. As the blade passed over Isma'eel's neck, alaihis salaam, the LORD did not take the life of Isma'eel, alaihis salaam. The LORD provided a ram for the sacrifice, and preserved his two faithful subjects. Those away from Hajj also perform the sacrifice. Normally, they keep one third of the meat from the sacrifice, distribute one third to the needy and share one third with their neighbors. Eid-Ul-Aza is a four-day holiday and celebration. It commences on the 10th day of Dhu Al Hijjah and is celebrated in a manner similar to Eid-Ul-Fitr. It starts with a special holiday prayer, performed in congregation in the Masjid (Mosque) or other suitable place. It is a time of celebration, of visiting family and friends and of thanking ALLAH, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, for all the blessings bestowed upon us. Fasting is prohibited during these days.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
So you find the headline, provocative or sensational? Read on, to know what could be the epitome of Indiagiri! If you feel the same way OR even have a different perspective, do comment below with your views. The brilliant lawyer of Kasab –Abbas Kazmi has raised a technical issue over the genuineness of the copies of evidence submitted by the Public Prosecutor. Public Prosecutor, Ujjwal Nikam expressed this as a time buying/delaying tactic. He also mentioned that of the court agrees, this trial would require 4 years to conclude?? Wow! How do you now react to this? I mean OK, Afzal Guru the guy who was caught attacking the parliament is still under trial for the last 6 years, and so I do agree and accept that we are a nation with a poor judiciary system, but how does any Indian, any Mumbai take this so lightly. On the first day of the trial, Kasab was brought under tremendous security to the court. The judge on the appearance of the lawyer, mentioned that the lawyer cannot advocate for Kasab, due to some technical issue. Why wasnt this issue raised earlier, so that a high security movement of Kasab from the prison to the court could be avoided? Later on another day, the judge asked the police to validate whether Kasab is an adult? This ate up some more days of the trial. How would it be different? What would we do with Kasab, if he was a minor at age less than 18? Would we put him in a Child Remand Room?? What a country? Man! A guy has the balls to come from Pakistan to India by sea, creates ruckus and tension in the Financial Capital and across the country, kills men, women, children, elderly ruthlessly in the name of jihad, shakes the Central and State Government, gets caught by the police and is still surviving around 6 months from the trial. How does our system work??? Or am I exagerating, should my question be “Is there a system?” We read in the newspaper, that on the first day of the trial, young Kasab was smiling and giggling, and yes he demandd Pakistani Newspapers, Perfumes, Space to take walks etc. C’mon guys, there are clear pictures, CCTV videos of Kasab with the AK47 rifles strutting various crucial portions of South Mumbai, why do you need to put him on trial for close to 6 months, with no sensible conclusions and concrete judgements. This is a rude insult to the people who died and in this massacre. Its like you are raped on video, the culprit is caught and the intellectual law professionals leave the video aside and discuss his age, nationality and various issues. On a lighter note, I was thinking, if you know/remember, that in early2009, there was some old couple, from Central or North India, who had claimed that Kasab is their child. If is proven correct , I sincerely hope not but clearly anticipate –Kasab running for the MP elections in 2014 through a Samajwadi Party Ticket. Ajmalji Kasab ko hee vote kijiye. Hamara Chunav Chinha hai AK47! P.S. You will fall of from your seat laughing.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Life of the Commander of the Faithful: Ali ibn Abu Talib
Name : Ali
Title : Al-Murtaza, Al-Amir-ul-Mo'mineen, Abu-Turab, Asadullah
Designation: 1st Imam
Kunyat : Abul Hasan
Born : Friday 13th of Rajab, in the Holy Ka'ba
Father : Abu Talib-ibne-Abdul Muttalib
Mother : Fatima bint-e-Asad
Died : at the age of 63 years, at Kufa, on Monday, the 21st Ramadan 40 AH, murdered by an assassin who mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the Mosque at Kufa during morning prayers on the 19th of Ramadan.
Buried : Najaf, near Kufa in Iraq
Imam Ali (as) First in many Fields
1. He was the only man to be born in the Kabah (The house of God)
2. He was the first to offer homage to the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF)
3. He was the first to offer prayers after the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF)
4. He was the first to offer his services for Jihad.
5. He was the first to receive religious instructions from the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF)
6. He was the first to compile and codify the Quran
7. He was the first to be styled as "brother" by the Prophet (PBUH and HF) and on every occasion
8. He was the first to give burial to the Prophet (PBUH and HF)
9. He was the first to offer to sleep in the Prophet's (PBUH and HF) bed on the night of his emigration to Medina
10. He was the first to be appointed commander in all those battles in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF) didnot participate personally
11. The honor of the propagation of the Quranic Sura, "al Bara'at" fell to Imam Ali's (as) lot
12. He was the only man to be titled as the "Second Aaron" by the Prophet (PBUH and HF)
13. The honor of owning a house which opened into the courtyard of the Prophet's (PBUH and HF) mosque was reserved for Imam Ali (as) alone
14. He was the first to have the honor of being nominated by the Holy Prophet (PBUH and HF) as his succesor, testator and vice regent.
... and many many more
Sunday, July 15, 2012
2nd Imam Hassan (A.S.) Name : Al-Hasan Title : Al-Mujtaba Designation: 2nd Imam Kunyat : Abul Muhammad Father : Imam Ali (A.S.) Mother : Bibi Fatema (A.S.) Born : 15th Ramadan 3 AH (625 AD) Died : 28th Safar 50 AH (670 AD) Martyred : Poisoned by Joda Buried : Cemetery of Jannatul Baqi Lived : 47 years
Lady Khadija (sa): The First Believer and Helper of Islam Mother of the Believers (Ummul Momineen) Name : Bibi Khadija Title : Umm-ul-Momineen Birth : Makkah Father: Khawailad Ibn Asad Mother: Fatima Death : 10th Ramadhan, two years before Hijra at the age of 65 Years Buried: at Mecca in Jannat al-Mulla
Holy Month of Ramadhan The month of holy Ramadan enjoys a special importance in the Islamic calendar. As Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: "It is Allah's Own month." It is the chief of all months and the most glorious one. As we already know, 'Fasting' is one of the important pillars of Islam and it is the very month of Ramadan during which fasting has been made obligatory for all adults and sane Muslims. By fasting during Ramadan, a Muslim besides discharging an obligation imposed upon him by Allah (SWT), becomes entitled to great reward in the Hereafter. On the other hand, any lapse in the matter amounts to a great sin. Fasting is an article of worship, the knowledge about the performance or otherwise whereof rests only with Allah (SWT) and the person concerned. Hence, it is Allah (SWT) alone who will reward that person for it, on the Day of Judgment. The blessings of Ramadan are not limited to fasting alone, because the performance of all sorts of worship and good deeds during this month is also a source of great Divine favor. The revelation of the Holy Quran commenced during this very month and it is therefore the duty of every Muslim to read and try to understand the meaning of the Holy Quran and thereby gain an insight into the Divine secrets enshrined therein. It brings peace and illumination to the mind and imparts purity to the soul. Holy Ramadan is the month of fasting, intensive prayer, sacrifice and Divine worship. Throughout this month a devout Muslim fasts during the day in the true sense of the word, that is, he had merely denies himself food and water, but as explained by Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), exercises strict control over his tongue, eyes, ears, thoughts and deeds and does everything possible to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT). Devout supplications to Allah (SWT) and repentance of one's sins during Holy Ramadhan are the sources of Divine blessings and mercy. Some nights, among the last ten nights of Ramadan, are called the 'Nights of Glory' (Laylatul Qadr). These are the 19th, 21st, and 23rd nights. Muslims keep awake during these nights and offer special prayers. Even among these nights, the 23rd enjoys excellence over all the others. It is accompanied by great blessings, and he usually grants the supplications made to Allah (SWT) during this night. The month of holy Ramadan, besides being the month of worship and Divine blessings, carries a historical importance as well. As already mentioned above, the revelations of the Holy Quran commenced in this month. The epoch-making 'Battle of Badr' and the 'Conquest of Makkah' also took place during the holy month of Ramadan. "Ramadhan", according to some traditions is one of Allah's names. This is why we can not say Ramadhan without making it clear that we are talking about the month, and therefore we should always say the month of Ramadhan. Commander of the faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S.) said: Do not say Ramadan, but say the month of Ramadhan. For you do not know what Ramadan is? This same meaning was referred to by Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) in his speech during Shaaban: The month of Allah (SWT) is coming ... Let us: Learn Islam with ambition, Observe Islam with sincerity, Practice Islam with discipline (Sunnah), Spread Islam with truth and kindness. "Whosoever recites only one 'Ayat (Verse)' in Holy Ramadan, he will be awarded as if he had recited the full Holy Quran, in other months. " - Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) "Everything has a spring and the spring of Holy Quran is the month of Holy Ramadan. " -Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) "Today (Day of feast of fast-breaking) is the feast of those whose fasts are accepted and their sorbs are favored by Allah (SWT), and any day in which you do not commit a sin, is the day of feast. " -Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (A.S.)
Friday, April 6, 2012
Jago K Waqt Qareeb Hay
Jago k
waqat Qareeb hay
ajj may jiss mozo per
likhnay ja reha hon ye bohat nazuk
mozo hay,ho sakta hay k meri
maloomat iss ziman may kaheen
teek b na ho,ye b ho sakta hay k
maloomat teek ho but iss may jo
time tabel bataya ja reha hay wo
teek na ho.
kuch b likhnay say pehlay
ye zaroor kahoon ga k yahaan may
sirf wo batain share ker reha hon
jo meray ilam may aai hay,in ko
kisi b soorat may hatmi nai kahoon
ga bcoz asal ilam sirf our sirf
app say guzarish hay k ye
sab ghor say parh k apnay erd
gird k logon ko b share kerain taa
k log apni aakhret ki fiker kerain,.
jadeed scinci tahqeeq k
mutabiq 21 Dec 2012 subah
11:11am per Zameen,Sooraj our
kehkashaan aik seedh may aa jain
gay.iss k nateejay may Zameen per
bohat bari bari tabdeelyan
ronumaa honay ka zaberdast
andaisha hay.our aisa 26000 years
may sirf aik martaba hota hay.
tabdeelyan kya ho sakti hain?
tabbah kun zalzaloon say
zameen ka phat jana.iss k nateejay
main zameen k dhansnay k barhay
barhay waqiaat ronumaa ho saktay
hain. Samandroon ka khushki per
charh dorhna.sonami jaisay
tofaanon say tabahi ka
pailna.Khfnaak aatishfashaanon ka
phat jana our lawoon ka abadyon
may gus ker tabahi pailana.pathron
ki barish ka hona.zameen per
garmi ka naqabil-e-bardasht had
tak barh jana.muhlak bemaryon ka
pail jana.qehat perh jana.jis ki waja
say barhi barhi jangon ka chirh
ehal-e-maghrab kehtay hain
dehashat gardhon ka barha hamla
ker daina our itemi hatyaron ka
istamal honay say nateejatan 80%
say 90% insan halak ho saktay
meyyan tehzeeb jo
hisaab,ingenring,our falkiyaat may
bohat taraqi yafta thi,in k long
kaont calnder k great cycle (jo k
5125.36 years per mushtamil hay)
ki ibtada 13 Aug 3114 qabal
maseeh ko hoi thi our iss ka end
21 Dec 2012 ko ho reha hay.iss
liay kaha ja reha hay k iss great
cycle k end k sath he zameen ka b
end ho jay ga.baaz k nazdeek
insaniyet ka hatma nai ho ga but
bohat barhi tabdeeli ho gi jiss k
nateejay may insaniyet aik new
door may dahil ho gi.cristin k
mojooda pop ko aakhari pop kaha
ja reha hay our amrica k president
barak obama ko last amrican
president kaha ja reha hay.
aaye ab iss ka
islami lehaaz say jaiza laitay
Hazrat Wasla(RA) fermatay
hain k main nay Rasool Allah
(salallaho alaihi wasalam) ko ye
fermatay huay suna hay k jab tak
10 nishanyan zahir na ho jain
Qayamat nai aay gi.. 1: Zameen
may dhansa dainay wala aik
waqaya mashriq may 2: aik
magrab may 3: our aik
jazeera-tul-arab may ho ga 4:
dajjal ka ana 5: doowan uthna
6: nazool Iesa alaihay islam
7: qomey yajooj majooj ka
nikalna 8: daba-tul-araz(aik
janwer jo safa o marwa ki
paharyon say nikalay ga) 9:
sooraj ka maghrab say taloo hona
10: aag jo aden ki gehrai say
nikalay gi our logon ko hankati hoi
mehasher ki taraf lay jay
gi.choti barhi chionti ko jama ker
day gi.
(tabrani,hakam,merdodya our
kanzul aamal)
2012 may ager mutwaqa
hadsa hua tu maderja bala hadees
k mutabiq 4 nashanyan poori ho
sakti hain.3waqyaat zameen k
dansnay k(aisa lagta hay k pooray
pooray cities dans jain gay,bcoz
chotay motay dansnay k waqyaat
bohat ho chukay) our 4th nishani
"doowan" jo k itemi jangon k
nateejay may b ho sakta hay our
aasmani aafet say b.
Hazret Abu huraira (RA)
say rawait hay k RASOOL ALLAH
(salallah alaihi wasalam) nay
fermaya k Qayamat us waqat tak
qaim na ho gi jab tak deryai fraat
sonay k pahaarh say na sirk jay,log
iss k hasool k liay larhain gay(larai
itni shadeed ho gi k) 100 may say
99 log maray jain gay,inn may say
her aik iss umeed say laray ga k
shaid may he wo bach janay wala
ain mumkin hay k 2012 k
hadsa may ye alaamet b poori ho
jay. agay chalatay hain...
Hazret Daniyal alaihi salam ki
paish goi k mutabiq 2012
yohodyon k hatmay ka saal
hay.yohodyon ka mukamil hatma
Iesa alaihi salam k hathon ho ga.in
say pehlay Amam mehadi ka
zahoor ho ga jin k hathon beitul
maqdas fata ho ga.yohodyon ki
napak reyasat israil ka hatma ho
jay ga.goya yahiin say yohodyon
ka hatma ho ga.
aisa lagta hay k 20011 ya
2012 may iss saray amal ki
abtada ho jay gi.
dekhya Hazrat Abu
Huraira (RA) k aser ka aik
iktabass... 1400 hijri ki
dehayoon may mehadi ameen ka
zahoor ho jay ga.amrica poori
dunya ko werghala k inn k halaf
jama ker lay ga,wo sab
hermajdoon nami aik pahaarh k
qareen jama hon gay(iasai iss jang
ko aarmegdon ki jang ka naam
detay hain)hofnaak jang ho
gi.mehdi (ithadyon ki foj per)
intahai karbnaak teer phaikain gay
our zameen o aasman our
samandroon ko in per jala ker rakh
ker dalain gay.aasman say aaftain
bersain gi.zameen walay sab
kafroon per lantain baijain gay.our
ALLAH TALLAH kufer ko matanay
ki ijazet dey day ga.(tafseel k liay
dekhain "zahooray mehdi tak"
ahadees ki roshni may paish goyan
page33 moalif Abu ubaidullah asif
iss iqtabass may jo baat
ghor talib hay jis ki karhi 2012 k
hadessa say jurhti nazer aati
hay,wo ye hay k "zameen o
aasman our samandroon ko in per
jala ker rakh ker dalain gay" ye
joheri hamla ho sakta hay jis ka
dushman ko hatra hay k dehashat
gard koi barha hamla kerain gay.
"aasman say aftain barsain gi " ye
ALLAH TALLAH ki maded ho gi jo
musalmanon k haq may ho gi.
dekhya 2012 k hadsay k
menderjaat jo oper ziker ho chukay
kya ye wohi nai hain jin ka ziker
hum nay iss aser may parha.
hadees k mutabiq iss jang
may itnay log maray jain gay jis ka
andaza iss masaal say hota hay k
aik kowwa in laashon k oper urhna
start keray ga, urhtay urhtay thak
jay ga our gir ker mer jay ga
laashain hatam na hon gi.
amrica nay 5 lakh air tite
kafnon ka intazaam ker lia
kanay dajjal ka harooj Hazrat
Amam mehdi k dor-e-halafet k
7th saal may ho ga.iss liay ye
kehna k 2012 may dajjal ka harooj
mutwaqay hay teek nai hay.albata
Hazrat Amam mehdi ka zahoor
2011 ya 2012 ya iss say pehlay
mutwaqa ho sakta hay.haan ye
baat ehmiat ki hamil hay k dajjali
saamraj nay bohat pehlay say iss ki
tayaryaan start ker deen thin.iss
fitnay k had-o-haal bohat wazay
nazer aa rehay hain.iss liay humain
chahye k hum b iss fitnay say
bachnay k liay apnay SHARAA
alaihi salam k bataay huay rastay
per amel paira hon.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Kevin Carter, a Pulitzer Winner ForSudan Photo, Is Dead at 33
Sudan Photo, Is Dead at 33
Published: July 29, 1994
Kevin Carter, the South African
photographer whose image of a
starving Sudanese toddler stalked
by a vulture won him a Pulitzer
Prize this year, was found dead on
Wednesday night, apparently a
suicide, the police said today. He
was 33.
The police said Mr. Carter's body
and several letters to friends and
family were discovered in his
pickup truck, parked in a
Johannesburg suburb. They said an
inquest showed he died of carbon
monoxide poisoning.
Mr. Carter began his work as a
sports photographer in 1983, but
soon moved to the front lines of
South African political strife,
recording images of repression,
anti-apartheid protest and fratricidal
violence for several South African
newspapers and more recently as a
freelance photographer.
He was arrested several times for
violating a South African ban on
reporting of the domestic conflict.
Life Close to the Edge
A few days after his Pulitzer was
announced in April, Mr. Carter was
nearby when one of his closest
friends and professional
companions, Ken Oosterbroek, was
shot dead photographing a gun
battle in Tokoza township.
Friends said Mr. Carter was a man
of tumultuous emotions, which
brought passion to his work but
also drove him to extremes of
elation and depression. He often
told friends if he had not become
a photographer he would have
been a race car driver, because he
enjoyed living close to the edge.
Last year, saying he needed a
break from South Africa's turmoil,
he paid his own way to the
southern Sudan to photograph a
civil war and famine he felt the
world was overlooking.
His picture of an emaciated girl
collapsing on the way to a feeding
center, as a plump vulture lurked
in the background, was published
first in The New York Times and
The Mail & Guardian, a
Johannesburg weekly. Later it was
displayed in many other
publications as a metaphor for
Africa's despair.
The reaction to the picture was so
strong that The Times published
an unusual editors' note on the
fate of the girl. Mr. Carter said she
resumed her trek to the feeding
center. He chased away the
The Horror of the Work
Afterward, he told an interviewer in
April, he sat under a tree for a
long time, "smoking cigarettes and
"Kevin always carried around the
horror of the work he did," his
father, Jimmy Carter, told the
South African Press Association
Mr. Carter was born in
Johannesburg on Sept. 13, 1960.
He began as a freelance
photographer for The Sunday
Express, a tabloid that is now
defunct, and moved in 1984 to
South Africa's largest daily
newspaper, The Star, in
He worked as chief photographer
at The Sunday Tribune and started
the photo department at The Daily
Mail in 1990. He remained with
The Mail when it reverted to a
weekly format, and last year began
full-time work for Reuters.
Mr. Carter is survived by his
parents, a 6-year-old daughter,
and two sisters.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tahajjud Prayer - Salatul layl (Night Prayer) - Method and Benefits

Bismillahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahim [In the name of 'Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful] |