A very important question to start with:-Q) If a lawyer knows that his client has crossed all the known limits of barbarism in this world, has symbolically slapped his nation's face and does not harbor any guilt, and he still fights his case. What do we call that lawyer, a man faithful towards his duty or a 'traitor' of the nation?The "Kasab", who was fully cooperating with the police and was almost a singing bird has suddenly started deriving pleasure from silence. A sudden flash of lightening told him that he was a minor! ofcourse that lightening flash was his lawyer, ABBAS KAZMI!The respected wakil sahab has demanded the court that the whole chargesheet of 11000 pages be translated in urdu and given to him, so that his client can be explained the gravity of the case! The subtext being, "This is just a start people, the case is goin to strech longer than an average Indian's memory and probably life. I will take taareekh pe taareekh because there is no sunny deol to stop me!" And even if we come on to a conclusion, there is always an opportunity to appeal to the President of India and chances are more that u may be spared!!As if Afzal Guru was not enough, here comes Kasab!The lawyer fighting his case is no new to these kind of cases! It was Abbas Kazmi who took up the cases of all the accused in 1993 Bombay bomb blasts.... 1997 Gulshan kumar Murder case accused Composer Nadeem (who is right now safe in London) was also under the wings of Mr. Kazmi! One more example of brilliance of Kazmi's advocacy; when Azaz Pathan, one of the accused in 1993 bomb blasts, had to pay Rs. 2.25 lakhs by the court. This bastard made the court return rs. 2 lakhs in the name of treatment of some heart ailment for Pathan!pure genius man!! Maverick!!!So dear friends, dont be under the illusion that kasab will be punished. He is the latest son in law (damaad jee) mother India has got, who is having regular health chgeck ups, morning walks, airconditioned air, non-veg.... etc. I have hopes that soon enough some human rights body, or NGO with a big bindi laced lady will be on the TV supporting him! Let us just enjoy the case.Leave it on the legal pundits to think why Kasab didnt face MACOCA and why Sadhvi Pragya Thakur did!The ideological offsprings of China and filth of Papa Sam know pretty well what there idols would have done by now! But dude, welcome to Indian judiciary... always at your service!____________________________________________________________________P.S- If your blood boils while reading this.... go and take a cold shower! A few more movies may help too... Kasab has a really long life ahead. You and I cant do any god damned thing other than eating a few more times....