shah abbas kazmi

shah abbas kazmi

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


MUST READ THIS CONVERSATION BETWEEN PROPHET MOHAMMAD (A.S) AND SHAITAN.............. An Interview With Shaitan Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) (the Messenger of Allah) (may the Peace of Allah be upon him and his Progeny) Once our beloved Prophet Mohammed (may the peace of Allah be upon him and his Progeny) was walking out with his As’haabs (companions) from the back side of the Jan’atul Baqi (Medina). As he was stepping out, he saw a very old man with a colourful hat on his head, colourful belt with diamonds on it was around his waist, with a bell in his left hand, and with a net in his right hand. This old man said ‘As salamu alaikum yah Rasool Allah‘ (O Prophet of Allah may the peace of Allah be upon you) to our beloved Prophet. Prophet didn’t reply to his salaam. This old man knew why our Prophet didn’t reply to his salaam. After all this old man was not like any other old man, he was Shaitan-the cursed one. Then Shaitan said, ‘Salaam ul-llahai Alaykum yah Rasool Allah’ (Allah’s peace be upon you O Prophet of Allah).Then, our Prophet accepted his salaam. Now, the As’haabs (companions) of Prophet understood that this was the cursed one Shaitan. All the As’haabs were surprised to see the cursed one personally. Shaitan (the cursed one) attempted to misguide even the Prophets and Imams. Shaitan-the cursed one used to meet with prophets to answer any questions of the Prophets. In fact, it was obligatory on him (the cursed Shaitan) to answer the questions of the Messengers of Allah. Our beloved Prophet, though he had all the Knowledge, only for the sake of his companions, asked Shaitan-the cursed one the following questions: Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : O Shaitan, people are interested in your hat, tell me what is this hat? Shaitan-the cursed one : Shaitan the cursed one replied, o Prophet of Allah, my colourful hat is this materialistic worldly goods, perishable worldly benefits, and temporary worldly enjoyment. Once, any person get caught by this colourful hat of mine, then that person stays in my control and forgets all about the hereafter. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, what is this belt you are wearing with gold and diamonds around your waist? Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet, this is my second weapon which keeps my back bone strong. O Prophet, those Momneens (believers) who do not get into my trap by my hat, I use this weapon. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : But what is it? Shaitan the cursed one : O Prophet this are the worldly behijaabs (un-veiled) woman/girl of this worlds. Through this behijaab (un-veiled) woman/girls I deceive the momineens (believers). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : But what is this bell you are holding in your left hand ? Shaitan the cursed one : This is the bell through which I destroy the imaan (faith) of the believers. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : How do you do that ? Shaitan the cursed one : Whenever I see believers arguing with each other, getting into minor verbal antagonism or disagreement with each other, then I ring this bell. As I ring this bell, these believers get into major verbal fights and thy start saying things (such as backbiting, false accusations or uses bad language) to each other due to which there own imaan (faith) disappears from hearts. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : But what is this net you are holding? Shaitan the cursed one : When I see the believers not getting trap by any form of my weapons then I throw this net at them as my last weapon. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : But what is this net ? Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet of Allah, this is Riyah Kari (performing good deeds only to show people). Whenever, I see that a believer is performing all the good deeds and that person not getting caught by my weapon, then i throw this net at them. By stepping at this net, their good deeds which they were performing for Allah, becomes invalid. Because the believers gradually get ego in them while performing all their prayers, observing fast, performing Hajj, paying Zakat and Khums, and several other duties towards Allah. They (believers) perform all these and other good deeds, but after they get caught by my net, they show their good deeds to other and as though they have done favour on Allah by performing such good deeds. They tell people when they perform night prayers. they tell people when they fast, they tell people when they go to Hajj. They give money in charity but only to show off or for their personal interest. This is how they eventually feel superior to those people whom they know are not performing these good deeds. All these actions which take place after they step on my net makes their good deed go waste (void). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, tell me one more thing, now that you have spent so much of your time in this life with your bad deeds, do you have any friend, Do you have companion? Shaitan-the cursed one: Although, I visit all the houses and all the people in general, but I have 11 (eleven) types of people, that are my best friends and companions. And I have 15 (fifteen) types of people that I hate them the most. O Prophet, keep in mind that a person who is my friend is an enemy of Allah, and a person who is my enemy is a friend of Allah. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : O shaitan tell me who are your friends and who are your enemies? (Then, Shaitan told our beloved Prophet a list of his friends and a list of his enemies. After he described his enemies our beloved Prophet asked his reasons. We have excluded the question of our beloved Prophet and simply listed the name or description of the enemy followed by his reason in some cases.) Shaitan-the cursed one: Shaitan said, O Prophet of Allah, first I have 15 (fifteen) enemies, and these are as follows: ENEMIES OF SHAITAN (THE CURSED ONE) O Prophet of Allah, my first enemy is you and your Ahlul-Bait (progeny) because if it wasn’t for you and your AhlulBait, my mission would be quite successful. There would have been not even a single believer (follower of right path shown by Allah). You bought the religion of Allah (al-Islam) to this world, You made people believers of Allah’s communication. O Prophet of Allah my second enemy is that just ruler who rules a nation with complete justice. O Prophet of Allah, my third enemy is that rich person who does not have any ego or feel superior to other poor people around him. O Prophet of Allah, my fourth enemy is that business man who perform his business with justice. O Prophet of Allah my fifth enemy is that Aalim (scholar) who fears Allah and practice what he preaches. O Prophet of Allah, my sixth enemy is that specific Mo’min (believer) who work on showing other the path of truth. Who offer other the knowledge of Wajibats (obligatory) and Haram (forbidden) duties of Allah. This person is undoing all my hard work. O Prophet of Allah, my seventh enemy is that person who does not listen to what is forbidden, does not see what is forbidden, and does not eat what is forbidden. Comment by Maulana Sadiq Hasan Qibla: This person does not look any Na-Mehram women/men (a women with whom a man can marry or a man with whom a woman can marry), does not watches movies or shows. This person prevent himself or herself from listening to Music, Songs, lies, or Geebath (Backbiting). This person does not eat forbidden food (meat which is not cut according to the Islamic ways such as meat cut by non Muslim business men, etc.) and that food which is not purchased with the halal (allowed) earnings (such as earnings from selling alcohol, from gambling, from selling drugs and from many other sources which are forbidden in Islam.) O Prophet of Allah, my eighth enemy is that believer who keeps himself clean all the time. A person who stays in Wuzu and who wears clean clothes. O Prophet of Allah, my ninth enemy is that person who has a big heart. Who spents his/her money for the sake of Allah. Comment by Maulana Sadiq Hasan: Once Prophet of Allah asked his companion did you know that one Dinar can be more than One Lakh (hundred thousand) Dinar? Prophet’s companions replied no O Prophet of Allah. Then, (our beloved) Prophet of Allah said, “If a person who owns for instance ten lakhs and gives one lakh in charity is less than that poor man who owns two dinnar and gives one dinnar in charity.” O Prophet of Allah, my tenth enemy is that person who gives Sadqa (charity) only for the name of Allah. o Prophet of Allah, my eleventh enemy is that person who reads, memorizes, and act according to Quran. O Prophet of Allah, my twelfth enemy is that person who recites “Namaz-e-Shab” (prayers recited after the midnight and before namaz Fajr). I am always afraid of this person. O Prophet of Allah, my thirteenth enemy is that person who offers his wajib (obligatory) Khums, wajib Zakat, and other wajib sadaqas. O Prophet of Allah, my fourteenth enemy is that woman who observes Hijaab (Veil) and safeguards her Hijaab. O Prophet of Allah, my fifteenth enemy is that who performs his “Ibadat” (such as prayers) without having thoughts except for the thoughts of Allah. After hearing the list of fifteen enemies of Shaitan, our beloved Prophet of Allah (may the peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny) asked Shaitan to name his eleven friends. Upon which, the cursed Shaitan named the following eleven people: THE FRIENDS OF SHAITAN (THE CURSED ONE) The first friend of mine is that leader who is a oppressor (Zalim). My second friend is that business man who does his/ her business by deceiving his / her customers. My third friend is that “Mo’min” (believer) who drinks alcohol. My fourth friend is that rich person who is proud of his wealth and who angrily refuses to give money in charity to poor and needy. My fifth friend is that person who does backbiting (Geebat), who talks to people in such a way that enemity increases between people and who reveals the defects of people. My sixth friend is that person who kill other human being for any reason other than for Allah. My seventh friend is that person who snatches away the belongings (such as wealth) of an orphan. My eighth friend is that person whose livelihood is based on collecting interest. My ninth friend is that person who gives more important to his worldly life rather than giving important to his life after death. This friend of mine prefers to performs those deeds which he know, will bring benefits in this world but in hereafter such deeds will bring loss. My tenth friend is that person who keep long hopes and delays in asking for forgiveness from Allah. (Here Maulana gave the example of that person who delays in asking forgiveness from Allah. For instance he said, “people refuse to ask forgiveness from Allah because they say we are young and angel of death is not running after us yet. Therefore these people, who delay in asking for repentance, say we are not going to quit listening to music, we are not going to observe Hijab, or we are not going to keep the beard. These people say that they will do all this after ten or more years. These are the tenth friends of Shaitan, because they keep long hopes and delay in asking for forgiveness from Allah.”) My eleventh friend is that person who helps women to increase their interest in performing “Jaadu” (magic) on people. After naming his eleven friends Shaitan-the cursed one said, “these are my eleven friends who are the worst enemies of Allah”. Now the interview of shaitan (the cursed one) was continued by Prophet Mohammed (may the peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny) as follows: Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, tell us why you stop my followers from offering their prayers? What benefits you get out of it? Shaitan-the cursed one: Whenever your follower recites prayers, my body gets feverish and it starts to shiver, and with a sick body I can’t deceive your followers from obeying Allah. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Why do you stop my followers from observing fast (roza) during the month of Ramadhan? Shaitan-the cursed one: When they fast they put me in prison, and I can’t deceive them during the time they fast because I end up in prison and I can’t misguide them. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : When my flowers prepare to fight in Allah’s way, why do you stop them? Shaitan-the cursed one: When they go to fight for Allah’s sake, my hands get tight to my neck, and I can’t deceive them by having my hands tight to my neck. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Why do you prevent my followers from performing Hajj? Shaitan-the cursed one: When they go for Hajj, their movements of going towards Hajj ties my legs. And with legs tied, I cannot misguide your followers from obeying Allahs commands. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : why do you prevent my followers from reciting Holy Quran? Shaitan-the cursed one: When they recite the Holy Quran, my existence turns into nonexistence. And, without having my existence, how can I deceive your followers from living according to the will of Allah. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Why do you prevent my followers from offering “Doa” (praying to Allah)? Shaitan-the cursed one: When they recite Doa (such as Doa-e-Komail) I get deaf and dum. How can I deceive your followers without having the ability to speak and ability to listen.o prophet of Allah (s.a.w.) from living the life according to the will of Allah. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, tell me why you prevent my followers from paying Sadaqha? Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.), when your follower pay Sadaqha (giving money in charity), it is as that they cut me with a saw in two pieces and throw one pieces of mine in east and other piece in the west. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Why do you get such a strong blow when my followers pay Sadaqha? Why do you get cut into two pieces? Shaitan-the cursed one: Whenever a person gives his / her money in charity, that person receives three benefits from Allah. The first benefit such person receive is that Allah becomes his / her borrowers. The second benefit such person gets is that Allah makes Heaven in his / her inheritance (such that he / she will be called as an owner of heaven). And, the third benefit he / she receives is that such person gets 700 times increase in his / her wealth from Allah, which in turn this person uses his / her increased wealth for charity. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, now tell me when does a person (who is my follower) gets under your total control? Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet of Allah, your followers gets under my total (absolute) control when they perform three things The first thing is that when your followers becomes stingy (”kanjoos”) he gets under my total control. Stingy is the root of all the sins which takes a person towards performing all types of other sins. The second thing is that when a person gradually start forgiving his / her sins. A person who perform such deeds which are against the will of Allah and then after performing such deeds that person does remember it and does not ask for any forgiveness, then that person gets under my absolute control. O Prophet of Allah, any person who performs these three deeds then that person gets under my absolute control. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, you know that Allah gave my followers a strong weapon of forgiveness. Whenever, my followers, ask for true forgiveness with an intention of not repeating that sin, Allah forgives them. How do you deal with this problem? Shaitan-the cursed one: I know O Prophet of Allah, Allah has given them this strong weapon, but I have prepared myself to confront your followers with their strong weapon. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What method do you have through which you prevent my followers from asking for forgiveness? Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet of Allah, to deal with this problem I have created four different units. Each unit deals with a different age groups of your followers. In each unit group I make your followers perform such deeds which make the repentance of your followers invalid (void). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What are these units? Shaitan-the cursed one: The first unit is that I involve your old men indulging in four sins. I make them lie, I make them accuse someone of something which they have not done, I make them testify falsely, and I make them perfrom without having the complete knowledge of the laws of performing prayers. O Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.) your old men will be offering doas, offering prayers, and reciting obligatory prayers, but if you talk to them you will hear them talking bad about other people, testing the bad deeds of other people without being their witness, and reciting obligatory prayers without knowing all the laws of the prayers. Your old men will not try to learn the laws of prayers because of their ego. Whenever some young men from your Ummat, try to explain the right way of performing Wuzu, your old men will say that you have just entered Islam and now you are trying to teach as how to perform Wuzu. O Prophet of Allah, my second unit is that which takes care of your young man from your Ummath. I do not prevent your young man from reciting prayers, performing Hajj, or doing anything else except that I get them involved in two things. First thing I make them do is that they look at things which are forbidden for them, and they will listen to those things which are forbidden for them. (Here, by things these young men will look at which are forbidden are girls, and things that these young men will listen to is music/songs.) O Prophet of Allah, my third unit is that which deceives your old ladies. I make your old ladies perform Geebath (backbiting), falsely accuse other people, destroy the character of other men and women, and get interested in doing magic on other men and women. O Prophet of Allah, my fourth unit is not active, because it is suppose to take care of young girls of Ummath. Since all of your girls are already my soldiers and I have a strong hold over them, I do not get any hard time deceiving them. However, one in one thousand, I find such girl which I see her may be following your way of life, and I will not be able to do anything to deceive her. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, tell me do you get upset when you see any of your soldier get out of your hand and follow Allah’s commands? Shaitan-the cursed one: No, O Prophet of Allah, I don’t get upset. I wait till that person performs any good deed, and then I go to that person again and deceive him / her so that he / she feels that he did a favour to Allah by performing such a good deed. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : You make that person feel that he did favour to Allah? Shaitan-the cursed one: Yes, O Prophet of Allah, that person goes around after performing a good deed and tells people what he did, such as that I recited namaz, I observed fast, I paid so much money to that person, or I helped that person in his bad times. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, how do you deceive those followers of mine who try their best not to get deceived by you? Shaitan-the cursed one: Allah made one deed which if your followers performed it with right intention and at right time they can never get deceived by me. And that deed is Namaz (Salat/obligatory prayers). But, to solve this problem, what I did is that with every one of your followers I have assigned one of my soldier whose name is “Mutawaqee”. And, his job is to make your follower lazy and involved in such activities due to which your follower recites namaz at the last time. When your follower recites namaz (salat) in last minute, he / she recites it in such a way that his namaz is not acceptable to Allah. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, since you know so much about Islam and its followers, why don’t you ask Allah for forgiveness? Comment by maulana Sadiq Hasan: Here Shaitan the cursed one gave a true Satanic answer. He recited five Ayath from our Holy Quran and gave answer. Since we are not so much interested in why Shaitan is not asking for his forgiveness, and we are interested in why we don’t ask for forgiveness, I will skip the details of his answer. Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet of Allah, Allah does not want me to ask forgiveness. What can I do? (Here Shaitan used the illogical proof from Holy Quran. However, you will find some Muslims using such proves in defending themselves. Such as they argue that Allah does not call me to perform Hajj or to offer prayers.) Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, I heard that sometimes you feel that as somebody threw a heavy stone on your head which breaks your head in several pieces? Shaitan-the cursed one: O Prophet of Allah, yes it is true, Whenever your followers truly ask Allah for true repentance, I feel like that. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : I heard that sometimes you feel like someone is slapping you? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, when your follower recite Quran with right pronounciation. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : When do you get to the bottom part of Hell? Shaitan-the cursed one: When your follower performs a good deed towards their parents or towards their family members. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : I heard that sometimes your whole body gets pain? Shaitan-the cursed one: Yes, when your follower pay in charity without showing off. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : I heard that sometimes you feel that someone is whipping you? Shaitan - the cursed one : That person who does not business with deceiving people. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : When do you get hurt the most? Shaitan - the cursed one : When your followers remember Allah during their hours of day and night. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : With whom do you fear the most? Shaitan - the cursed one : I fear those one who recite salat (prayers) in the first row of jamat. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Which people among my followers you have choosen them to be your permanent soldiers? Shaitan - the cursed one : Any of your follower who used any type of intoxicating beaverages. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Which person makes you laugh? Shaitan - the cursed one : That person who encourages other to commit sins. (Example : A person who invites people to a party in which namehram men and women mixes without observing proper Hijaab.) Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : With whom do you speak the most? Shaitan - the cursed one : A person who lies the most. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Who is the most pleasing to you? Shaitan - the cursed one : Any man who gives divorce to an innocent women. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Do you have any more hands? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, that person who delays in offering his obligatory prayers. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan where do you stay the most? Shaitan - the cursed one : A place where Na-Mehram men and women get together without any separation or observing Hijaab, that is my place to stay. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Where do you meet people? Shaitan - the cursed one : Bazaars (shopping mails). I try to make buyers deceive sellers and sellers deceive buyers. I try to make men do their business with women and women to do business with men. I try to make people do all types of sins in Bazaars (shopping mails). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What do you read? Shaitan - the cursed one : I read songs. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What is your way of calling people towards committing sins? Shaitan - the cursed one : Music and songs. Whenever your follower listens to music he / she comes towards me. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What is your book? Shaitan - the cursed one : My books are playing cards. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Who is your helper? Shaitan - the cursed one : Any person who gives losses to Muslims. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What do you eat? Shaitan - the cursed one : I eat everything which is earned by forbidden ways of earnings or by not paying the Khums. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What do you drink? Shaitan - the cursed one : I drink Alcohol. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What is your dessert (any sweet thing eaten after food)? Shaitan - the cursed one : Gheebat (back-biting). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Do you have any desires? Shaitan - the cursed one : Every false commitment is my desire. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Are you thankful for anything? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, I am thankful to those men and women who indulge in sins after asking Allah for forgiveness. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Do you relax? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, when your followers misses Fajr (morning) prayers. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Do you get any rewards from my followers? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, whenever, your followers break their relationships with their relatives or neighbours. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Do you have any companions? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, that person who have sex with his wife without saying “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” ( Here sex reffers to Allowed Intercourse, ZINAA - Un Allowed Sex is Haraam Anyway) and that person whose earnings are though unislamic ways. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : What deed of my follower makes you angry? Shaitan - the cursed one : Any mother when she tries to make her son (or daughter) fast or offer prayers. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Are there any men among my followers whom you can not possibly misguide? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, any man who does not look at Na-mehram girl / woman intentionally. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Are there any women among my followers whom you can not possibly misguide? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes, that women who observes Hijaab and that women who listens to her husband. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Shaitan, out of the men and women you have described, do you have any special men or women that you love the most? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes! among women I love that women who do not observe Hijaab and among men who is proud and that men who is a sinful Aalim (religious scholar). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Who is your most hateful men? Shaitan - the cursed one : Four men : a) Humble rich men. Aalim who practices what he preaches. c) Young men who ask for forgiveness. d) Old men who fear Allah. Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) : Are you alone or do have any companions? Shaitan - the cursed one : Yes. I have some companions who are sitting at mosque to deceive its visitors. My companions make the visitors of Allah’s mosque talk about such thing which make these visitors get bad deeds instead of good deeds. Other companions of mine’s job is to make the wise followers of your’s think of their bad deeds as few and good deeds as many. Some companions of mine when they see someone giving money in charity or helping someone for Allah’s sake, make that person tell other people what he is giving in charity or what he is doing for others. Then Shaitan - the cursed one said : O Prophet of Allah I have talked to you in much detail. I would like to tell you that you are working towards taking people to heaven and I am working towards taking people to Hell. Then after this Shaitan - the cursed one did his salaam to our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.) and he disappeared.

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